Friday, April 22, 2011


The world of fashion has taken some pity on our poor feet for spring and summer this year. After a bunch of seasons featuring sky-high stilettos there is a new shape in town. 2011 is the year of the 'Flatform'. Now just to be clear, this shoe is NOT flat, but it's a shoe you can walk in for hours. A 'flatform' is a shoe with a platform equal in height to the heel. Resulting in a high or nearly flat walking surface. It captures high style and comfort.. What a concept!! Don't forget that platforms elongate your legs for a very sexy look.

While most of the platforms are made from the traditional stacked wood, leather, or cork- that is where tradition ends. Look for cork that is covered with glitter, wood painted with whimsical flowers, or multicolored woven soles that look like confetti. You can find this shoe with high chunky ankle straps... If you are still hanging onto the whole gladiator thing. I am loving a simple slide of narrow turquoise leather bands with a gold metallic cork heel. Look for lots of colors and patterns, flowers and jewel accents, and even lace. The sky, or should I say the 'sidewalk', is the limit. Just make sure you pick some that are fun and sassy.

I hope you have tried my foot soak from last week's blog. I have been faithfully dunking my feet and they are looking much better. I have added a foot scrub to my regimen too. After looking a the prices of scrubs in the stores, I've decided to try a quick and easy homemade recipe. With what I have saved, I can almost buy another pair of shoes!

This one is my favorite, but you can and should come up with your own unique concoction. Remember the best cooks seldom follow a recipe!


1/2 cup of Brown Sugar
1/4 cup of Almond Oil
1/4 cup of Liquid Hand Soap
1/4 cupe of Vanilla Extract

I'm off to the mall!! We'll talk soon!

Bizzie Buzz

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