Friday, April 29, 2011

Sleeping Beauty

Having a few days off during the recent holiday has played havoc with my schedule and left me with way too little sleep. Looking in the mirror this morning was a jolting experience. Time to get back on the wagon. I need some serious shuteye.

Everyday we are bombarded with facts about how sleep, or the lack thereof, affects our bodies and our long and short term health. Not getting enough sleep has been linked to everything from obesity, high blood pressure, depression, to heartattacks. Then there is 'Beauty Sleep', the age old term for a good night's rest. Until recently, the idea of sleep improving or affecting our apprearance was pretty much a myth and never put to the test. But now, a new study done by scientist from Stockholm's Karolinska Institute and published in the prestigious British Medical Journal has confirmed the sleep/beauty connection.

In the study, sets of photos were taken of twenty-three men and women. The first set was taken after the subjects had eight hours of sleep, and the second set after having been awake for thirty-one continuous hours. Each subject maintained the same facial expression, was the same distance from the camera and didnt not wear makeup either time. A group of observers then reated each photo based on a series of quailites including health and attactiveness. The observers rated the sleep-deprived as less healthy, more tired, and less attractive than those who had recieved a full night's sleep. John Axelsson, on the researchers speaking of the  results said, "Sleep is the body's natural beauty treatment. It's probably more effective4 than any other treatment you culd buy."

Surprise.. a FREE beauty treatment. That is a pretty strong endorsement. I will be starting this regime tonight!

Quick Tip: It is very important to sleep in as close to complete darkness as possible. That said, it's not always easy to block our every stream of light using curtains, blinds, or drapes.. Particularly if you live in an urban area (or if your spouse has a different schedule than you do). In these cases, Sleep Masks can help to block our the remaining light. Check out my sleep masks here- Bathtub Buzz

See you later!!

Bizzie Buzz

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